What will you do if the chinking technique was not discovered? You cannot imagine what could possibly happen to your homes after a few years. Now, you don’t have to worry because they can be protected and restored.
Three Steps in Chinking Log Homes
For an easier process, it is broken down into three easy steps:

1) Mix 1 part of cement with 2 parts of fine masonry sand and ½ part of lime masonry. Pour water to attain a firm consistency, not too wet but not too hard.
2) If you want to stain the mixture, check the stain’s product label for instructions.
Step 2: Preparation
1) Before the

2) If you can see large cracks, fill these with wood chips, small stones, twigs or moss mixed with mud. Push them into the cracks using a putty knife.
Step 3: Application
1) Apply the chinking product with the use of a trowel or putty knife. You need to fill the large cracks and open spaces in

2) Smoothen the surface and leave it to dry. If the applied mixture shrinks before it dries up you can apply a second coating, even a third one if required.
After going through the process of log home chinking, the logs will look like brand new. So if anyone else needs a log cabin restoration, try to recommend the three steps.